Mandala experiments on Microsoft Surface Pro

new “leaves” brush preset


New leaves brush preset in SpeedyPainter v3.5.16. Add a touch of warm autumnal colors to your digital landscapes 🙂


SpeedyPainter LINEART fill optimization

SpeedyPainter feature preview: “lineart fill optimization”.
This feature will be added in next release of SpeedyPainter.
Bucket fill tool has now a “lineart optimization” flag, that removes annoying artifacts that appear when we try to fill a lineart with the bucket fill tool.
I hope this feature can be useful!

Here follows a comparison image where I used both fill tool methods, old one with lineart optimization OFF, and the new method:



Image comparison between the two fill options: lineart optimization OFF (upper) and lineart optimization ON (lower).



SpeedyPainter on Microsoft Store!

sp_microsoft_storeSpeedyPainter is finally available on Microsoft store!

You can download it for free in the official store page here.


SpeedyPainter v3.5.0 – improved brush properties dialog



Additional brushstroke options in SpeedyPainter v3.5.0


SpeedyPainter v3.4.14: improved brush presets list


Improved “Brush properties” dialog in SpeedyPainter v3.4.14. Now the list of available presets shows a preview of each preset, instead of just the preset names.