Michelangelo’s David – painterly effect test with SpeedyPainter



Video of the drawing process:

Testing a new painterly effect that I’m currently developing in SpeedyPainter.
The results seems quite nice, but the new brushStroke algorithm is still not compatible with all the other functionalities available in SpeedyPainter (as levels, or some of the tools). Maybe I will release a separate beta version of SpeedyPainter with this new feature, separated from the official version, to let other people try this new feature.

SpeedyPainter experiments – brushstroke elevation

Doing some experiments for simulating elevation of brushstrokes and the texture of the canvas.
This feature is still a work in progress, I hope to add it soon in next releases of SpeedyPainter.
In this demo I used some Amazing brushes from various popular brush sets, from various amazing artists, like:
. Maciej Kuciara (https://www.artstation.com/artist/maciej)
. Wang Li (http://wawa3761.deviantart.com/)
. Houston Sharp (http://houstonsharp.deviantart.com/)
. Jan Ditlev (https://www.artstation.com/artist/ditlev)
. Jamshed Jurabaev (http://jamajurabaev.com/)
To use those brushes in SpeedyPainter you can use an useful free tool called AbrMate (http://www.texturemate.com/abrMate). Just open the “.abr” brush set in AbrMate, export the brushes as “.png” images, and put them in the “SpeedyPainter/data/brushes” folder.