SpeedyPainter 3.0.7 – second view on image

On SpeedyPainter 3.0.7 you have the possibility to add a second view on the image you are drawing.
This way the user can always have a look of the image on its whole, even while drawing just some details on the main view.
As you can see from the video, the additional view can be enabled in the settings dialog.

“SpeedyPainter” is a simple and lightweight painting software. It is written in C++ and uses the OpenGL graphics library.
You can download it for free here:

Once more with feeling

Quick portrait of Brian Molko, lead vocalist of the band Placebo.
Done with SpeedyPainter 3.0.6 in about 30 minutes.

Once more with feeling

Once more with feeling

Video of the drawing process:

“SpeedyPainter” is a simple and lightweight painting software. It is written in C++ and uses the OpenGL graphics library.

You can download it for free here:http://speedypainter.altervista.org/download.html