new “leaves” brush preset


New leaves brush preset in SpeedyPainter v3.5.16. Add a touch of warm autumnal colors to your digital landscapes 🙂


SpeedyPainter v3.5.7 – improved rounded brush/ink preset rendering


round brush rendering comparison between versions v3.5.6 and v3.5.7

Finally solved some annoying artefacts that occurred using the round brush, especially with small brush size and with size that varies accordingly to pressure sensitivity, like in the “ink” preset. Linearts produced with SpeedyPainter are now more clean and display a smoother size transition according to pressure.

SpeedyPainter v3.5.0 – improved brush properties dialog



Additional brushstroke options in SpeedyPainter v3.5.0


Importing custom brush sets into SpeedyPainter using abrMate

On the internet we can find a lot of amazing custom brush sets, shared with the art community by very talented (and generous :D) artists.

However, usually those brush sets are in the standard Photoshop “abr” format.
On the other side, SpeedyPainter uses standard “.png” brush files, so it is not possible to directly import “.abr” files directly from SpeedyPainter.

But don’t despair, this does not mean you can’t use those amazing brush sets with SpeedyPainter!

Thanks to the useful free software abrMate, you can load those “abr” brush sets, and export each single brush in a single png image. 

A guide is available here: